South Carolina Legislature

Comptroller General's Office

Subcommittee: Executive

Subcommittee Chair: Gary E. Clary

Subcommittee Members: Hon. Robert Q. Williams, Hon. Weston Newton, Hon. Laurie Slade Funderburk

Agency Website:

Agency Head: Richard A. Eckstrom

Study Contact: Eddie Gunn
Contact Email: [email protected]

External Audits

This page includes information on the entities who typically perform external audits of agencies as well as copies of reports from external audits performed on the agency. This list may not be exhaustive.

  • External Audit Reports
  • Entities Who Perform External Audits
  • Financial Audits v. Attestations

  • External Audit Reports

    If you know of other external audits not listed below, please submit the information anonymously here.

    A Review of the Offices of the Comptroller General and the State Treasurer - LAC - Full Report (November 1997)

    A Review of the Offices of the Comptroller General and the State Treasurer - LAC - Summary (November 1997)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 1998)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 1999)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 2000)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 2001)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 2002)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 2003)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 2004)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 2005)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 2006)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 2007)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 2008)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 2009)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 2010)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 2011)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 2012)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 2013)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 2014)

    State Auditor's Report on Accounting Records and Internal Controls - Based on Agreed-Upon Procedures (FY ending June 30, 2015)

    Entities Who Perform External Audits

    Below is information on some of the state entities who perform external audits on agencies. In addition to these entities, agencies may also have external audits conducted by third party consultants, accountants, etc.

    Legislative Audit Council
  • The South Carolina Legislative Audit Council conducts independent, objective performance audits of state agencies and programs, as requested by the General Assembly and mandated by law. The Council approves the audits and is composed of five public members, one of whom must be a CPA and one an attorney. Four legislative members also serve ex officio: the chairman of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees, and the Senate Finance and House Ways and Means Committees, or designees chosen by them from committee membership. Audits are conducted at the request of the General Assembly or either of its respective bodies, a standing committee, the Speaker of the House, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, or not less than five members of the General Assembly. Audits conducted by the LAC are conducted in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards established by the Comptroller General of the United States and endorsed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Pursuant to SC Code An. 2-15-120, all records and audit working papers of the Legislative Audit Council with the exception of its final audit reports provided for by Section 2-15-60 are confidential and not subject to public disclosure.

  • State Inspector General
  • The State Inspector General's statutory mission is to investigate and address allegations of "fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, misconduct, violations of state and federal law, and wrongdoing" within the Executive Branch of South Carolina State government.

  • Office of the State Auditor
  • The State Audits Section of the Office of the State Auditor performs the annual financial audit of the State's basic financial statements and the annual Single Audit of the State's Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Funds. It also conducts financial audit and attestation engagements of state agencies. The Medicaid Audits Section of the Office of the State Auditor performs audits and reviews of cost reports filed by institutional providers of Medicaid services. These cost reports are used by the Department of Health and Human Services to establish amounts to be paid to these providers for services provided to qualified Medicaid recipients. This Section also supports investigative agencies in their investigations involving Medicaid providers. Medicaid reports are provided to the Department of Health and Human Services and to the Medicaid service providers. The Office conducts attestation engagements of county and municipal treasurers, county clerks of court, magistrates, and municipal courts to ensure the imposition, collection and remittance of court fine fees and assessments are in accordance with applicable state law. Court reports are provided to the State Treasurer, Division of Court Administration, and the chief administrator of the affected agency, department, county, or municipality.

  • Financial Audits v. Attestations

    There are varying levels of engagements with regards to "auditing." According to the State Auditor, an attestation is technically not an audit; however, it provides information to management using agreed upon procedures. This procedure has been used for many years and is developed to help agencies obtain information in a timely manner. Most statutes require an audit, but some do specifically allow for this "agreed upon procedures" method. In addition, in South Carolina, there are three levels of accounting professionals: CPA, public accountants and accounting practitioners.

    Legislative Services Agency
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